April 15, 2001

Day 18 - Russell Field Shelter to Silers Bald Shelter

Food bags hung out of reach of bears
Let's see… I forgot to mention that along the way yesterday, all of a sudden we turned a corner and the ground was covered with little white flowers. It almost looked like snowflakes dotting the green grass. I didn’t take a picture because I expected to see millions of them in the Smoky Mountains (turns out they are called spring beauties). Anyway, it was too cold and wet today for the beauties to show their sweet faces.

Russell Field Shelter
Back to last night. I was a bit concerned being in a crowded shelter, but at least we were on the top bunk. And there are fireplaces in these stone shelters, which is nice. 

A guy staying here said it was too early for him to go to sleep when it got dark, so he tended the fire for a while. I did OK once I put my earplugs in. But there was a man whose snore sounded just like a bear growling, so I immediately looked outside, expecting to see a large animal on the other side of the cage. Nothing.

I guess it poured in the morning, but I didn’t hear a thing. Had a squabble with Dave. Then my pack cover broke. And as we began to walk, it started to pour. Lovely.

We had a 15-mile day ahead of us. I just wasn’t into it. Fell all the way down into the mud, and that was my breaking point. Was by myself, so I started to cry. Wondering what I’d gotten myself into and whether I could really last 5 ½ more months. Dave stopped to wait for me, and he was upset that I hadn’t said anything to him sooner. I was cold and wet and miserable and really having trouble moving one foot in front of the other. Sometimes the days just seem so long, and the miles come so slowly.

I’ve read that it takes six to eight weeks to get into “trail shape,” so I guess I’ve got a ways to go. We kept walking and soon enough came to a shelter -- 9 ½ miles down, 5 ½ to go. Ate some lunch but was so cold and wet I just had to start moving.

The miles were pretty easy ones, which helped us make good time to the shelter. And the rain had stopped! Took the opportunity to clean my muddy self off at the river and change into some dry clothes. Much better! This shelter looks the same as the last one and is just as crowded.

P.S. -- Found out from Breaking Wind that Pacman is a professional tennis player. Pretty cool!

1 comment:

  1. I totally remember those Spring Beauties :) I think I do have a picture...

    Also - wasn't this the morning that Chops set his stove on fire, on the upper level of the crowded shelter? Ha!


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