It was supposed to be five miles straight downhill, but of course it never is. There were actually quite a few ups, and the downs weren’t that severe. Went to the Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC), where they have whitewater rafting, an outfitter, and restaurants. First on the agenda was a shower.

Then we checked out the store. Lots of hikers -- some who had been behind us and others whom we hadn’t met before. It was hot -- supposedly record-breaking heat. Good day to relax in the afternoon. Charlie, Murph, Dave and I went for lunch. At the store, we each bought a lighter pair of socks; and I got a water bag with a hose so I can take a sip whenever I want. Will definitely come in handy in the summer. Savored a Ben and Jerry’s sorbet before the dreaded four o’clock hour hit.
It was still blazing hot, and we had at least seven hard uphill miles to do. An obnoxious man from Seattle told us even he wouldn’t attempt it in the afternoon, and he’s an “experienced hiker.”
I was a little worried that we wouldn’t make it by nightfall. But we actually made great time considering the toughness of the climb -- 3 ½ hours. The four of us (plus Matt and Phil) played a trivia game part of the way, which made the hike go by faster.

Got to the shelter at 8, and there was no one here. Couldn’t find any level ground, and it was late, so I said I’d sleep in the shelter if I could have one of the ends. We’ll see how it goes…
P.S. -- On the way into NOC, it was almost as if we could see spring coming to life before our eyes. Buds on trees were becoming beautiful leaves, small white flowers were starting to open up, new fresh smells were wafting through the air. I think it’s because we were descending to a lower elevation that we saw so much color and life. It hasn’t made its way up to the tops of the mountains yet. Also saw two snakes yesterday -- a tan one with black markings and a baby.
Hee hee. I totally remember playing trivia heading out of the NOC. Didn't we leave late because it was so warm out? I love the pics of all the backpacks lined up outside the restaurant. Classic.