August 15, 2001

Day 138 - Mizpah Hut to Mt. Madison

What a day! (in more ways than one). I didn’t have a great night’s sleep in the bunkroom. Too dark. Thank goodness for the skylight, which helped a little.

Worked breakfast and got to eat leftover scrambled eggs, blueberry cake, and grits. Then we were asked to clean out under all the mattresses (lots of them). It took quite a while. Finally headed out to climb Mt. Washington.

Lake of the Clouds
Another perfect day. We were told there was 70-mile visibility from the summit -- almost enough to see the ocean. Lots of people around. It was a steady climb to the peak. Great views from the top -- along with a parking lot and tons of people. Kind of like Disneyworld. Went downstairs to the backpacker room, then had lunch and hung out for a while.

It was late by the time we left, and the sun was beating down on us above treeline. Got to Madison Spring Hut at 7:30 p.m. The croo already had two thru-hikers staying there and turned us away, but said we could each pay $10 to sleep on a table. They had offered hiker duo Team GAK the same deal for $6. Bunch of college kids collecting some beer money on the side, I think.

So we headed out at 8 (sunset) and had to climb Mt. Madison. Very rocky. Fine going up, not so fine going down. I wouldn't have liked the descent on a dry day, and was positively not comfortable hiking down with a headlamp. Very fortunate to find a semi-flat spot about 25 feet past the summit -- big enough for two sleeping bags and that’s about it. Beautiful night, with a sky full of stars and no chance of rain. Not too cold, either. We cooked dinner and hit the sack. I was physically and mentally exhausted and slept quite well, despite the rocks. Up at 7.

Oh, forgot to mention my crying fit on the way to the hut. Just tired of walking, especially on rocks, tired of trying (and failing) to keep up with Dave. Said I might not make it to Maine and that maybe I don’t want it badly enough. But Dave said I would have given up long before now if I didn’t have it in me. I guess this is true. How did I get so lucky to find this man, who says and does just the right things at the right time??

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