Took our time packing up in the a.m. But we were looking forward to our stop at the Whistestop Restaurant.
Talked to some volunteer trail maintainers, who were putting a boulder in the middle of the trail so people with four-wheel-drive vehicles can’t get through.
Also came to Clarendon Gorge, a nice swimming hole.
Since we were about to go out to lunch, I didn’t feel like going swimming and getting soaked. Dave, on the other hand, never missed a good swimming hole. I don’t mind that he went swimming, but as a result we didn’t have lunch til 2.
Got a ride to the general store and then walked back to the Whistlestop. Johnnie Aussie was there – hadn’t seen him since New York. Food at the Whistestop (owned by Murph’s friend) was disappointing, but the ice cream was good.
Late start back out to do another seven miles. Couple of steep climbs got the sweat flowing.
Dave had to use the privy, so I went on ahead. Lots of ups and downs. A Sobo [Southbounder] told me about a creek with soda in it, and there were three left when I went by. Sam’s Choice Dr. Thunder is not something I would normally drink, but it tasted pretty darn good.
The shelter is used by locals for partying, but none were there when I arrived. Bunch of food left by Murph. She’s always just a few miles ahead of us. Set up camp with Johnnie Aussie, Noggin, and Frankenstein. Glad to have the tent to protect me from the bugs.
Decided to get up extra early to tackle the climb up Killington (and also get to the Inn at Long Trail at a reasonable hour). Slept great.
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