August 8, 2001

Day 131 - Trapper John Shelter to Hexacuba

There were some sprinkles during the night, which had us running around a bit. Then I couldn’t get back to sleep.

Up at 8:15, out after 10. Another hot one. Dry riverbeds everywhere. Some people who live near the trail offered their hose for hikers to use. 

Had to climb Smarts Mountain in the heat of the day. Not too bad til the end. Ate lunch on top of the firetower, which was nice. Then just a few more miles to the shelter

Didn’t get in til after 6, even though we only went 12 miles. Noggin and Vascilando showed up later. Noggin said, “There’s something about sweating more than you ever have in your entire life. It’s good for the soul.” How true.

Been thinking about home and the things I want to do there – finish my wedding photo album, bring tons of clothes to consignment, do magazine article research, learn to cook, get a kitten for my parents...

Strange trail-walking thought of the day: How come it’s colder at higher elevations, when heat rises?

Fell asleep like a rock, then awoke to my usual AT mind overload. I just want to get through the Whites – or at least start them and see what I’m up against. Have heard everything from “You ain’t seen nothing yet” to “You’re ready. You can do it. You’ll fly up those mountains.” Probably it’s somewhere in the middle. Hot night.

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