- 9 Nature Valley granola bars
- 3 Hershey bars
- 2 12-ounce packages of raisins
- 16 slices American cheese (sharing with Dave)
- 17 packets maple brown sugar oatmeal
- ½ tub peanut butter
- ½ bag chocolate chips
- one zipoc of Cheezits
Hope it’s adequate, but if not we can buy leftover food and snacks at the huts -- not to mention visit the snack bar on top of Mt. Washington. And if we manage to get a work-for-stay, we’ll get dinner and breakfast, too. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Hit the road at 6:15 to climb Moosilauke. It looked pretty impressive on the profile map. Was actually less than two hours to the top, but some solid climbing along the way. Foggy/misty and very windy at the summit. My first time above treeline! Didn’t get the full effect because there wasn’t a view. Pretty cool, though.
Murph on the Moosilauke summit |
Rain stopped. We went down to the Lost River Gorge snack bar where Murph was meeting her friends who are taking her to the summer camp she works at for a week. We probably won’t hike with her again, since she thinks she’ll get back on the trail where she got off instead of jumping ahead to hike with us. Very sad! I will miss her especially. But we’ll definitely see each other again.
Blur, Murph, and Longshanks |
Walked for about an hour and found a great campsite. Didn’t see anyone since we climbed out of the notch. Nice, cool weather. Early to bed!
We will DEFINITELY see each other again, my friend. :)