September 10, 2001

Day 164 - Pollywog Stream to Abol Bridge

Walked to the first shelter, where we found Rabbit, Finn, Phantom, Priceless, etc. Got water, then pushed on to Abol bridge. Smiles and I were hiking together.

When we got to the road, there was only one bridge in sight. It was so ordinary, I thought that it couldn’t be the Abol bridge. But it was. You just have to be walking on it to understand. There’s a great view of Katahdin off to the left.

Immediately after the bridge was the campground and small store. Deadwood’s mother and aunt were there, with fruit and a can of Budweiser for hikers. We found out there wasn’t enough room for all of us at the campground, but that we could stay across the street on some state-run sites.

I was bummed because I had been so desperately wanting a shower. But I made do with my Platypus and camp soap. We resupplied at the store, which gets electricity from a generator and has no telephone. Lots of dust on the shelves and expensive pricetags. But we had no other option. And of course we had to buy beer and wine coolers.

The state sites were beautiful and best of all, free (thanks to the honor system). We got to spread out and take over the place. Were hanging out by the fire at night when some people came wandering up -- turns out they were Cy’s (Booger’s) parents, bearing a cooler of Newcastles and a bottle of champagne. Don’t know how they found us, especially in the dark. Then it started to rain, and the party broke up.

1 comment:

  1. GAH! I can't believe you are going to finish "tomorrow"!
    I will miss your blog!


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