September 9, 2001

Day 163 - Potaywadjo Lean-to to Pollywog Stream

Comfortable night’s sleep. Eighteen miles was the plan. Bumped into Smittee and Cy a little ways up the trail. They had spent the night at White House Landing.

We all stopped for a break at a lake. Great sandy beach, blue skies, and coolish breeze. Chilled out for 2 ½ hours. Smittee found and cooked some freshwater clams. I couldn’t try one without butter. Grasshopper said they tasted like chicken fat with snot.

Finally got motivated to start walking again. Had a 750-foot climb which seemed steeper than Katahdin (slight exaggeration). But it was a heck of a climb. Funny how a 1500-foot mountain can seem taller than some of the 3,000 and 4,000 footers.

Couldn’t see Katahdin from the top -- too hazy. Kept walking. Really slow going -- no energy. Everyone decided they wanted to find a place to camp other than at a shelter for our “last night” on the trail (not counting Abol bridge and Daicey Pond). But we were running out of daylight hours and ended up at a stream by a road. Nothing special, but it was nice to all be together.

I was hungry. Ate two full Liptons with slim jim pieces and cous cous; then two desserts (granola bar and rice krispy bar). We all “cowboy camped” under the stars. It was still hot as heck. Too hot for my zero degree bag, so I put on my long-sleeved shirt and pants and slept on top. Then got under the covers and was roasting. Just couldn’t get comfortable.

Longshanks and his long shanks
Rabbit and crew walked past at one point during a night hike, never knowing we were there. Glad when it was finally morning, even though I was tired.

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