July 25, 2001

Day 117 - Sherman Brook Campsites to Congdon Shelter

I was a bit shaken up by that falling tree. No storm, no wind. I guess it was just that tree’s time. Strange that we happened to be right there when it happened.

Oh, there was one other group camping where we stopped. They were making a lot of noise until we showed up. It was getting dark -- couldn’t really see them. But all we could hear was, “Shhhhh…thru-hikers!” over and over again. How did they know? Could they smell us?

The rain never came last night. So we stayed dry on the tent platform. Slept in, too. We took our time packing up. Nice to be just the two of us again. Also nice not to have a whole stream of people hitting the trail at the same time.

Met a bunch more southbounders. I really like talking to them and hearing what they have to say about the trail ahead. Sneak preview of coming attractions!

After a couple of miles, we hit the Vermont border. Massachusetts went by fast, even with the Pittsfield break. I’m excited to be in the “final three.” Everyone had good things to say about Vermont -- rolling hills and no boulders. But coming from New Hampshire, how could you not like the Green Mountain state?

It was a good first 10 miles -- very green and pretty, despite the deer flies and blackflies (ouch!). Dave was feeling really tired, so we decided to stay at the 12-mile shelter. That was fine with me, since we got such a late start.

There’s a couple here who are just starting the Long Trail. I have a feeling we’re going to see a lot more non-AT hikers than we have in a while. Loose Goose got in late after a night in North Adams; Smittee is still behind us.

Looking forward to seeing Mary Ellen and crew on Friday. Shower? Laundry? Planning a big 14-mile day tomorrow. We haven’t done that many miles since last Thursday.

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